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Title: @bushvannevarWeMayThink1945 date: 2023-01-17 type: reference project:

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Bush, Vannevar. 1945 As We May Think. The Atlantic July 1945: 101–108.

Summary & Key Take Aways

Vannevar Bush sat in the centre of several different circles of social, political, and military-industrial power. An engineer by training. In this article, he draws out several trends in various kinds of technologies related to information processing up to that date, and extrapolates how they might ultimately become combined. He argues that given the war, scientists were employed towards various kinds of tasks, but after the war, they will need new direction. The piece outlines a vision of where those energies could be directed, which would enhance scientific research.

The wikipedia article about this article is also very handy

extracted public annotations from @bushvannevarWeMayThink1945

more research fewer insights

what impact does this kind of gendered writing have on imagined futures

who is the audience

growing mountain of research