Jan25 w Martha AttridgeBufton
January 23, 2023¶
Part 1: Taking notes like an historian
Part 2: Taking notes like a librarian
Learning outcomes¶
At the end of this session, you will be able to:
- identify one method for taking notes like an historian
find the Archives and Special Collections site on the Carleton University Library website
identify one method for taking notes like a librarian
search for a source related to a topic of interest and record your search notes in Obsidian
Part 1 (25 minutes)¶
The value of note taking: An historian's method
Read Judith Walkowitz's essay On taking notes: https://www.historians.org/research-and-publications/perspectives-on-history/january-2009/on-taking-notes
also see this
In small groups, identify the key components of Walkowitz's method of historical note taking
Create an Obsidian note that includes these key elements
Bonus: go to the Carleton Univesrity Library website at library.carleton.ca and click on the link to Archives and Special Collections. Explore the Archives
Part 2 (25 minutes)¶
The value of note taking: A librarian's method
Introduction to taking notes for a search: Create a search tracker (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TqVoCwyxSINQcggMUtxD0uY8TSSA6D24/edit?usp=drive_web&ouid=107787311659933023270&rtpof=true)
Create an Obsidian note to track your search strategy
Go to the Carleton Univesrity Library website at library.carleton.ca and do a simple search in Omni for a peer-reviewed journal article on "note taking".
Track your search strategy in your Obsidian note
My contact information:¶
martha dot attridgebufton at carleton dot ca