Grading & Course Work
photo by Kadir Celep,
- 25% - process notes (10 devlogs, weekly from week 3 onwards)
- 25% - in-class leadership
- 40% - API collection (completed before the HeritageJam)
- 10% - HeritageJam (exact date at end of term to be determined)
The exact balance here can be negotiated, if the work load becomes unreasonable, or if other factors become important (see the section on ‘un|grading’). In essence, we’re putting on a heritagejam on the theme of ‘the land’ using data that we are going to put online and we have to learn enough to get it online in a useful way while planning the event.
Process notes or devlogs
These are single page documents that you will lodge in your Github repository called ‘devlogs’. Make a new repository, initialize it with a readme. Then, each week (starting in week three) make a new document with a filename following the pattern (eg:
) and then email the link to me: shawn dot graham at carleton dot ca.
The process note is like a diary entry recording things you’ve read (which can be links, rather than a bibliography, and do not necessarily have to be ‘academic’) that contextualize the work we’ve done in class, things or technologies you’ve tried out, things that worked, error messages and so on. It is the record of your engagement with the materials in this course. It is also the record of the evolution of your thinking. It is meant to be something that you can come back to later on when you’re thinking ‘oh, how did I do that? Where was that interesting thing?'. It can include your notes from class or your reactions to something someone has shown in class.
It can be very informal; even just bullet points. Once work on your API begins, your devlog will also include reflections and nuts-and-bolts from that process.
in class leadership This is a seminar, after all. Find a colleague. Agree to explore two of the potential readings in depth. Your duo will take the lead for the appropriate week to lead us through the material. You will also be responsible to find an example online relevant to the material - a tool, a website, another reading, an exhibition, a newspaper article, a controversy - that you will also take us through. Aim for about 45 minutes worth of time in the spotlight.
By the second week let me know which reading/week you desire. First come first serve.
api collection The class will be divided in three in the first meeting. Each third will be responsible for building an API for a particular dataset provided by our partner museum. To build an API you will need to do a deep dive into the material to decide how you will represent it online, and how you will expose the information. We will use either datasette or flask.
You will need to create documentation to explain how to use the API. Documentation includes not just how to use the API though; it also includes the why to use it, how it came together, the design choices, the decisions about what to include and what to exclude. You will be able to re-use elements from your devlogs and process notes.
We are inviting the public to a heritagejam that we will put on; it will take place over two days. Day one will be at one of our partner museums; day two will be at Carleton. See HeritageJam to see what all this is going to entail. There will be many different jobs that need to get done.